Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Golf"s Over The Top Move

One of the most dreaded moves in the swing is golf's over the top move. This move is what 80% of the players do to cut across the ball. We are going to discuss the cause and the cure to make your golfing experiences more enjoyable. For discriptive purposes all actions are for right hand players

The most common cause is the club moving on the wrong swing plane. A lot of players, the first time they swung a golf club, was on the correct plane swinging toward the target.But, because the face of the club was not square (aimed to right) the ball started almost straight and then sliced right. As a result the next time they changed their setup more to the left and the swing plane was left, starting the ball left of the target and slicing back to the target. Club makers realizing this started making off set clubs to compensate for this action, and making it easier to square up the club face at impact. It helped but it didn't cure the swing flaw.

The action of pulling the arms across the body still existed causing the player to set up slightly to the right and swinging the club across the body putting it on plane toward the target. The outside to in motion across the body was still there.

The reason that players come over the top move is because it is the quickest line to the ball. Club head speed is what we want to create. To create club head speed it takes time and distance, so the farther a club travels the faster it will go. Quick is not what we want. An example is two cars drag racing for ¼ mile the one that gets there first will win, although when the other crosses the line it may be going faster. The winning car used its speed early in the race, the second car was accelarating later creating more speed. In a longer distance race the second car probably would have won the race. In drag racing it is best to be quick. In golf, fast is what we want. Anyway back to golf's over the top move.

Players that pick the club up with their hands to start the back swing have a tendency to start the club down with their hands on the down swing. This move throws the shoulders out and the head forward before the lower body can move. The immediate pull of the hands makes the right foot the pivot point and stops the weight from transferring to the left.

The cure for golf's over the top moves.

Get a golf club and stand in an area where you can adress a ball. Before bending over to the correct posture position put club in your left hand only and make your shoulders level. Now bend over, your shoulders should still be level, reach your right hand down and place it on the club, your right shoulder should have dropped slightly. When your shoulder dropped your spine should have tilted to the right. Did your head tilt also, a mistake some players make is leaving their head straight up. Tilt your head in line with your spine. It will remain there the entire swing until after impact.
Learn the proper sequence for the golf swing. While in proper posture position, the Y created with the arms and the club is turned back away from the ball with the shoulders (one piece). The shoulders turn back and start the hips turning. When the hips start turning you are wound up, this does not mean you must stop turning when that happens it means you can stop if you want. Being wound up simply means that if you turn your hips forward toward the target your shoulders and arms will move also, which is the proper sequence for the down swing. Turn your hips toward the target and let your arms fall.

To pass the test go to the second to the last paragraph tilt your spine and head, leave your head there and try to make golf's over the top move. Making the club move outside in across the line. Don:t break your neck.

Dale Bartlett, PGA Member, author and golf instructor

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